Why Visit an Orthodontist by age 7?
In a young child, bones and muscles grow quickly and can also develop problems quickly. When the bones, muscles and teeth grow properly in harmony, they create a comfortable bite and pleasing appearance. When they do not grow properly however, it can cause an unbalanced facial profile and various dental issues. Either genetics or environmental factors may influcence the development of your child’s jaws and muscles. For example, your child may have inherited a small jaw from one parent and large teeth from the other. Oral habits, such as thumb sucking may affect how the jaws and teeth develop. Also, premature loss of baby teeth from tooth decay can cause teeth shifting which could cause crowding and hinder the eruption of adult teeth.
Why Age 7?
Some orthodontic problems are easier to correct if treated early. By age 7, a child’s bite is established with the eruption of the adult molars. In addition, an orthodontist can evaluate possible crowding and detrimental oral habits. A screening by age 7 also helps to determine if treatment will be necessary and determine the best time for your child to be treated.
What Are the Benefits of Early Orthodontics?
Some of the potential benefits may include:
- Decrease chance of extraction of permanent teeth.
- Reduce or eliminate the need for jaw surgery.
- An opportunity to guide the growth of the jaws.
- Guide the eruption of permanent teeth into a proper position.
- Lower risk of trauma or injury to protruded front teeth.
- Correct harmful oral habits, such as finger and thumb sucking.
- Maintain or create space for the developing permanent teeth.
- Minimize the need for more extensive and costly dental procedures.
- Aid in a child’s psycho-social development when related to appearance and self-esteem.
- Reduce or eliminate abnormal swallowing or speech problems.
At L&M Orthodontics, our doctors offer complimentary consultation to discuss and evaluate each patient’s orthodontic needs and to answer any questions. If you have any questions, or would like to meet with any of doctors, please give us a call today!