L&M Orthodontics Partners With A Woman’s Place

L&M Orthodontics, Doylestown, Partners with A Woman’s Place
As the Holiday season approaches, the doctors and staff at L&M Orthodontics think about how we can impact and support our community. It is a season of joy, laughter, and giving. After a great deal of consideration and research, L&M Orthodontics, Doylestown office, decided to partner again with the local non profit organization, A Woman’s Place, this Holiday season. A Woman’s Place is a local (Doylestown) social organization serving over 3,200 victims of domestic violence each year. A Woman’s Place provides comprehensive free, private, and confidential service, support, education, outreach, and advocacy to victims of domestic violence and their children and the community. This year, L&M Orthodontics would like to collect food items for A Woman’s Place in order to help the children and women in need of assistance.
We will be collecting following food items:
- Cereal
- Peanut Butter and Jelly
- Tomato Sauce
- Boxed Mac and Cheese
- Canned Soup
- Canned fruit (no canned beans or vegetables please)
- Oatmeal
- Kids snacks
The collections dates are 11/27/17- 1/12/18.
Please help us help the women and children in our community! Our team is very excited about this initiative, and we hope you will join us in this effort!
*Meet Dr. Samuel Meyrowitz on our Youtube Channel! Please click the video above to hear him explain the food drive. You can also visit us on Youtube @LMOrthodontics for more information.